Booking Request

Please complete the details on this form and we will respond as soon as possible.

Required fields *

Select the dates you wish to book your pet(s) in for:

Pet details:

Max 254 Characters

Innoculation Details - All pets must have been innoculated within the last 12 months.
Please provide copies of certificates:

Upload Certificates

The following terms and conditions shall apply:
1) No liability, course of action or claim of any nature will lie against the proprietor in respect of any loss or damage to their animals or any other item.
2) The proprietor may utilize the services of a vet if required and these costs are for the owner's account.
3) The owner confirms that the pets have been innoculated within the last 12 months.
4) The owner is responsible for all acts of damage caused by their animals
5) All pets are treated for ticks & fleas on arrival
6) Fees due and payable ON or BEFORE COLLECTION

I agree to the above Terms & Conditions and certify that the above information is true and correct.

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